This process is very similar to the quality-based selection (QBS) procedures used to request proposals from consulting firms when the Terms of Reference are difficult to define under highly specialized and complex requirements. (ii)Stage two is for receiving the final offer of the technically highest ranked firm. The proposal is evaluated and scored, and the firm with the highest ranked technical proposal invited for discussions with the purpose of reaching agreement on the proposed technical solution. In this first stage, bidders are requested to submit a technical proposal with their best solution for fulfilling the requirement. (i) The first stage is used for determining responsiveness to the request for offers and for clarifying and reaching agreement on the technical specifications. Two of the most common are illustrated below: Two-stage tendering is used for the procurement of goods, services and construction works, and there are several ways in which the process may be carried out.
Another, that bidders can assist in defining the technical requirement and the scope of work /. A key feature of this procurement method is that the submission of proposals takes place in two stages.
Two-stage tendering is similar to the request for proposals because the technical and financial proposals are submitted separately, but one before the other, rather than simultaneously.